By Andrew Leggett / Sr. Application Consultant If you are looking to enhance the appearance of your CM WebClient applications, there are a couple of ways to specify CSS for individual or similar controls. Use the ‘class=’ control name parameter to specify the CSS classes to apply for the control. For example, the Apply button has
All modern browsers have scalable vector graphic (SVG) file support. But there are several display options for these files. The simplest method is to display the file directly as an image: <img src=”test.svg” alt=”My Test SVG File”> However, in so doing, you lose a unique function of SVG files because it is no longer possible
With HTML5/JavaScript applications, item positioning on a screen falls into two categories: relative positioning or absolute positioning. Absolute positioning for mobile applications should be avoided (with few exceptions) since mobile devices vary greatly. Relative positioning can be tricky to get just right, however. Below are a few quick and easy tricks to position items better
By Denise Kalm | Industry Expert A new, clean web page isn’t built in a day — it requires major testing before going live. Web pages are software, and software is prone to bugs. Problems with your pages can seriously affect your line of business, and the wide visibility of a web page harbors the
Lily Taharudin/Application Consultant When designing applications just for a website accessed only by a desktop or laptop, many of us got comfortable using low-resolution images. They loaded faster and back in the day, with networks and browsers working more slowly, everything you could do to improve performance truly mattered. Now, when you don’t know who
Abram Darnutzer – Sr. Application Consultant When working with CM WebClient and CM WebClient Mobile, there are times where you have to enter custom parameters into the Control Name for a CA Plex Panel Object. For normal WebClient, you could be setting a CSS class for a button like this: myPushButton:MainArea:class=CustomCSSClass:default Or for CM WebClient
Andrew Leggett / Sr. Application Consultant When working on your CA Plex application, it’s easy to lose track of all the entities, functions, panels, fields and more that you’ve recently modified. Luckily, there are a few options in CA Plex to aid your memory. 1. Automatic Lists With this option, CA Plex will automatically add
Andrew Leggett / Sr. Application Consultant If you have a live, CM WebClient web application, you will probably want to upgrade your existing site sometime, whether to fix a bug, add new features, or just to update the graphics. Upgrading has traditionally been a pain. You had to make sure no-one was using the system and
Lily Taharudin / Application Consultant Have you ever been annoyed when you encounter a web page where you have to scroll and scroll to get to the content you want? Imagine the same page on your phone. You’d quickly give up trying to find the information you need. Complexity is another issue. When there is
Lorenz Alder, Senior Consultant / Software Architect User Storage helps us with integration of third party libraries such as mail, ftp, NoSQL DB, file system access etc. Once an object is instantiated through source code, we store it in User Storage and make it accessible to all CA Plex functions in the call graph. The