Blog Archives

Morning! Sometimes in 2E developers just assume that there is an aspect of 2E that cannot be customized. For years we just work around items when really those items can be changed and adjusted. One of those items are the F7 & F8 keys. By default 2E is shipped with the F7 & F8 keys

September 21, 2016

Most CA 2E applications have gotten quite large over the many years they have been in use. In order to navigate more easily through the application, CA 2E offers some nice options. The obvious feature we see is the positioning lines on the top of the Edit Database Relations Screen.  Files can be found rather

June 29, 2016

Oftentimes it’s necessary to alter the 2E generated source before your function is compiled. In this case what I really wanted to do is add my own H Specs in before the program is compiled. This article will outline how I was able to do this with some user source and the YSCNRPLSRC command provided

February 1, 2016

In my position at CM First Group, I’m often called upon to perform 2E training. It’s actually one of the most enjoyable things I do in my position! However, from time to time I get students who have been RPG or Cobol developers, who are not impressed with the default screen designs in 2E. I

October 29, 2015

Occasionally you will need to perform a one way hash for passwords. This post shows how to do it using the MD5 algorithm in CA Plex with some java source code. For background on this, check out this link. First, create a source code object that looks like this: Here is the code to cut

October 21, 2015

When I train people to who are new to 2E, but have been RPG developers for sometime, one question I’m asked about is how to perform subfile drop/fold within 2E. This is actually pretty simple to do, just follow the following steps. First let’s work with a screen in which we want some fields on

October 14, 2015

Hello all! Yesterday I was creating some new tables within my personal model, and these tables are being created with SQL DDL and not DDS. I have the Table or Physical File still the generated name, but I wanted a table with the longer field names. The table itself created normally, and has 4 date

October 14, 2015

In this post, I want to outline two concepts that may help you to create a better service architecture for CA Plex WCF services. First, we should make sure the interfaces are decoupled from the business logic in order to make sure that a change to business functions will not affect the interface used by

August 21, 2015

Web Services are an essential part of modernizing many legacy systems. CA 2E developers are able to build their own Web Services inside the CA 2E model. Recently, I worked with a customer on exposing some important parts of their CA 2E application through Web Services. There are several lessons we learned while implementing Web

August 21, 2015