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WATCH: Next-Gen Pair Programming: AI Collaboration on IBM i and IBM z Systems

A cutting-edge webinar that merges the art of pair programming with the innovation of AI for both IBM i and IBM z systems. Dedicated to COBOL developers working on IBM’s midrange and mainframe platforms, offering a deep dive into how AI can amplify coding collaboration and efficiency.

Watch: Revolutionize Software Testing with RPA

In this webinar, you will learn how to “refactor” your legacy app developed in COBOL, RPG, or CA 2E (Synon) directly to maintainable runtime-free Java and JS. Demo included.

Watch: Automated Refactoring from Legacy Code to Maintainable Java

In this webinar, you will learn how to “refactor” your legacy app developed in COBOL, RPG, or CA 2E (Synon) directly to maintainable runtime-free Java and JS. Demo included.

Watch the CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex September 6th Community Webcast

Watch for the CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex September 6th 2023 Community Webcast for conference updates, technical talks, and more.

Watch: Applying RPA to Software Testing

Robotic Process Automation’s (RPA) versatility allows it to be applied to a wide range of processes, enabling organizations to increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve accuracy by automating repetitive tasks using software “Bots”. Use cases range from data entry and report generation to HR and finance and admin automation.

Watch: CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex March 29th Community Webcast

Register now for the CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex March 29th 2023 Community Webcast. Conference updates, technical talks, and more.

Watch: CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex January 25th 2023 Community Webcast

Watch the CA 2E CA Plex Winter Community Webcast. Early in the broadcast, Roger Griffith discusses the Spring 2023 Conference, to be held May 8-10 in Boca Raton Florida, including: Venue, Logistics, and Costs Conference Agenda Call for Speakers and Sponsors CA 2E/Plex “Bootcamp Training” Option The usual two Lightning Talks follow. Lighting Talk #1: […]

Watch: CM evolveIT for IBM i with VS Code and Git

Get your virtual seat for the CM evolveIT for IBM i webinar, including COBOL, RPG, CA 2E (Synon) and much more. You will see advanced code analysis capabilities that go far beyond what has been previously available, including VS Code and Git Integration.

Watch Now: CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex October 19 2022 Community Webcast

Watch the CA 2E CA Plex Fall community webcast. A streamlined (lightly edited) version of the October 19th community webcast is now available to stream on YouTube. Catch up on what you missed, or review key highlights from the webcast. Early in the broadcast, Roger Griffith discussed new developments regarding the Spring 2023 Conference, to […]

Watch: IBM Enterprise Impact Analysis Using VS Code

This webinar will leave you with a better analysis system that’s easy to work with day-to-day, and brings you peace of mind knowing you have a complete grasp of the inner-workings of your enterprise system.

Watch: CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex July 13th 2022 Community Webcast

Watch the July 13th Community Webcast The 13th CA Plex/2E Worldwide Conference is scheduled for May in Miami. The conference is less than a year away, and planning gets underway in this meeting. Also discussed: the latest IBM news on hardware and conferences, and how that can affect CA 2E Broadcom licensing as well as […]

Watch: CM evolveIT for IBM i

Get your virtual seat for the CM evolveIT for IBM i webinar. You will see advanced COBOL and RPG analysis capabilities that go far beyond what has been previously available. CM evolveIT is an advanced application static analysis technology used for modernization and maintenance of Legacy IBM i Midrange Applications: COBOL, RPG, CA 2E(Synon), CA Plex, LANSA, and Java applications.

Watch: CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex April 27th 2022 Community Webcast

Watch the April 27th Community Webcast Watch now for a lively discussion with the community. We review plans for the 13th CA Plex/2E Worldwide Conference scheduled for April 24-26 2023 in Miami. Although it is a year away, we need your help and advice now to start planning the conference. We also update the community […]

WATCH: Latest Advances in IBM Enterprise Impact Analysis

This webinar will leave you with a better analysis system that’s easy to work with day-to-day, and brings you peace of mind knowing you have a complete grasp of the inner-workings of your enterprise system.

Watch: CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex January 19th 2022 Community Webcast

Watch the January 19th Community Webcast CA Community hosts Mark O’brien and Roger Griffith kicked off the meeting with a review of the 12th Plex/2E Worldwide User Conference survey results, then discussed plans for the community in 2022 and beyond. They relayed information received from Broadcom and A&I on support for the CA 2E/Plex products […]

CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex January 19th Community Webcast

First, we will review the 12th Plex/2E Worldwide User Conference survey results in Austin, Texas, October 22-27th, and discuss plans for the community in 2022 and beyond. We will relay information received from Broadcom and A&I on support for the CA 2E/Plex products, and discuss the new “aggregator” subscriptions for smaller customers as well as a new Managed Application Services offering. Last, we will have two lightning talks.

Watch the Roundtable – Modernization And Thriving In The “New Normal”

The CA 2E CA Plex Worldwide conference executive roundtable, an informal discussion about the risks and complexities of large-scale modernization, encompassed a wide range of relevant issues old and new in modern-day digital transformation.

12th CA 2E CA Plex Conference Special: Buy One Get One Free

And now it’s even easier to spread the love with their Buy 1 Get 1 Free offer, launching today. Purchase a conference ticket, and you will receive an additional ticket free of charge to give to a colleague, friend, or even your manager. You and a +1 can attend either virtually or in-person.

CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex October 7th Community Webcast

Register now for the CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex October 7th Community Webcast Please join us for a 30-minute discussion October 7th, of the 12th Plex/2E Worldwide User Conference in Austin Texas October 22-27th. We have a premier schedule of events starting with 3 days of Formula 1 racing, followed by 3 days of […]

CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex July 28th Community Webcast

Watch the CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex July 28th Community Webcast Community President Roger Griffith opened the meeting with an update on the October CA Community Worldwide conference. The community provided input on the session offerings and content by voting on a proposed session grid. In addition, “lightning” talks were presented to preview CA […]

Watch: CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex June 9th Community Webcast

Watch the CA Plex/2E community June webcast. Community President Roger Griffith opened the meeting with an update on plans for the next CA Community Conference, to be held October 25-27, 2021.

Video Series: CM evolveIT for LANSA

We’ve launched an all-new short-video series highlighting CM evolveIT for LANSA. These videos cover a wide range of CM evolveIT LANSA capabilities, and provide a good foundational starting point.

VIDEO: CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex March 31st Community Webcast

Watch the CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex March 31st 2021 Community Webcast The webcast video is now available to watch on plex2e.com. From the abstract: Join the CA Plex/2E community for the next webcast. Community President Roger Griffith will update the community on the latest news, and get a head start on gathering input […]

VIDEO: CM evolveIT for LANSA Snack & Learn

Join us for a journey through the capabilities of CM evolveIT, highlighting the new LANSA capabilities. We will cover CM evolveIT analysis capabilities including component impact analysis, Relationship Diagrams & Data Lineage analysis. All of these capabilities are available as a cloud-based SaaS browser application. The impact analysis can be visualized using interactive diagrams.

VIDEO: CM First / HelpSystems: Streamline the Day-to-Day with IT Automation

IT teams have a long list of responsibilities—from desktop tasks, batch jobs, systems infrastructure, and everything in between. And tedious tasks like data entry, file transfers, and event log monitoring can get in the way of more critical tasks. But with IT automation solutions, you can empower your team to complete more work in less time and centralize your IT team’s entire schedule.

VIDEO: Benefits of IBM Hosting – CM First Group and Abacus Presents

In this session cloud replatforming experts discuss how IBM i applications are typically being rehosted from on-premise to fully managed hybrid environments. Many customers are reporting significant security and operational benefits, at the same or reduced cost.

VIDEO TUTORIAL: WebClient Single Sign On and Multifactor Authentication

WebClient Single Sign On and Multifactor Authentication We highlighted Lily Taharudin’s highly-rated CA Plex/2E Virtual Conference Single Sign On and Multi-Factor Authentication hands on training workshop in our January CM WebClient newsletter, and it garnered lots of enthusiastic feedback. As a result, we dug into the topic a bit deeper and found some interesting (but […]

VIDEO: CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex December 16th Community Webcast

VIDEO: Watch the CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex December 16th 2020 Community Webcast Abstract: Please join the CA Plex/2E community for the first post-conference webcast at the CA Plex 2E December 16th Community Meeting. Community President Roger Griffith will update the community on the highly successful conference and get a head start on gathering […]

CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex December 16th Community Webcast

Register now for the CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex December 16th 2020 Community Webcast Please Join the CA Plex/2E community for the first post-conference webcast at the CA Plex 2E December 16th Community Meeting. Community President Roger Griffith will update the community on the highly successful conference and get a head start on gathering […]

WEBINAR: CM evolveIT Lunch and Learn

Join us for a journey through the capabilities of CM evolveIT. In our CM evolveIT Lunch and Learn, we will cover CM evolveIT analysis capabilities including component impact analysis, Relationship Diagrams & Data Lineage analysis. All of these capabilities are available as local web access or Cloud based service.