CM First Modernization Training
CM First curricula stand out because our instructors have extensive, real-world development experience and have worked with many customers to solve their problems. Classes include extensive hands-on exercises, using the latest supported product versions and capabilities. We offer modernization training on-site and online options for all courses.
CM evolveIT
CM evolveIT product training is delivered as either a 2-day introductory course, or as a 10-day Quick Start training course plus project mentoring.
CM Webclient
CM WebClient for CA Plex Fundamentals
This three-day Fundamentals course is designed as an introduction to the browser-based deployment of CA Plex applications using CM WebClient. Students will receive the basics about web development and deployment as well as an understanding of how to implement web applications using CM WebClient. Through hands-on exercises, students will learn to develop and deploy applications to web servers. At the conclusion of the course, attendees will have the skills to more fully exploit the value of CM WebClient for their CA Plex applications.
CM WebClient for CA Plex RIA Templates
This two-day RIA templates course introduces students to customization of browser-based applications using templates from CA Plex libraries. Through hands-on exercises, the participant will learn how to control the look and feel of the application through the use of templates and CSS, and how to set up a site to take advantage of these templates. This training ensures that students will be able to get full value from the capabilities of both CM WebClient and CA Plex.
CM Matchpoint
CM Matchpoint ALM for Administrators
This one to two-day class introduces software change management for CA Plex projects using both CM MatchPoint and Model Manager for CA Plex. Designed for administrators, this hands-on course lets students install and configure CM MatchPoint. The elements of change management are defined including handling requests, managing dependencies, deploying objects and more. Next, each participant will learn how to integrate CA Plex models with the Plex Model Manager. Finally, the CM MatchPoint Toolbelt will be introduced, demonstrating the capabilities of LibrarySync, Source Code Analyzer, System i X-Reference Browser and the CA Plex Model Translator. Students will leave with the ability to implement and use CM MatchPoint ALM to manage CA Plex-generated software in their own environment.
CM Matchpoint ALM for Developers
This half-day class is designed to help software developers get a basic understanding of application lifecycle management in a CA Plex project using CM MatchPoint ALM and Model Manager for CA Plex. Information about how to manage change requests and deploy of objects is addressed, and students will learn how to integrate CA Plex models using the Plex Model Manager. At the conclusion, developers will have the skills to work with these tools as they create applications.
CM Matchpoint ALM for Analysts
This half-day class serves as an introduction for analysts to application lifecycle management using CM MatchPoint ALM. Students will learn how to manage change requests, deal with documentation and dependencies, support customers, and record project time and expenses. Billing and recording will also be covered. Analysts will leave this training with the ability to manage projects more efficiently with CM MatchPoint ALM.
CA Plex
CA Plex Foundations
This five-day Foundations course will provide developers, administrators and architects the fundamental knowledge and skills to develop powerful business applications in CA Plex. Beginning with a real-world business application, participants will quickly learn to navigate and manage the CA Plex environment and then begin building skills to construct a CA Plex application. These skills include learning how to: construct diagrams and subject areas, customize panels and inherit from entities, execute virtual attributes and views, construct and customize functions and inherit from IUBASIC functions. At the conclusion, each student will leave with a working application to reference when he begins building business applications for his company.
CA Plex Patterns
This three-day Patterns course builds on the Foundations course by introducing the student to the pattern library available with CA Plex. Working ‘hands-on,’ each participant will learn the architecture, purpose, content, appropriate use, and manipulation of the most used design patterns. Business fundamentals and the relevant APIs will be included. At the conclusion, every student will have the ability to extend these patterns through specialization and replacement to create the customized applications required by their business.
CA Plex Model Management
This two-day Model Management course provides participants the fundamentals of administering the CA Plex repository. Critical concepts covered include managing users, managing group and local models and repointing libraries. Participants will learn how to manage all aspects of the data environments, such as verb groups, diagram types, control states, data exchange, and model object export and import. At the conclusion, model managers and team leads will have the tools necessary to productively manage a multi-user development environment.
CA Plex Advanced
After completing the Foundations and Patterns courses, this five-day course is designed to enhance the participant’s ability to create more complex, real-world applications. Students will learn some of the more advanced UI features, functions and function calls, database access, meta-functions, deploying Windows client applications, and more. Real-world tips and techniques will be provided with ‘hands-on’ exercises to ground the experience. Complex action diagram logic and debugging will be addressed. By the end of the course, each participant will be comfortable developing a production-quality system.
CA 2E Foundations
This five-day Foundations course will introduce developers to data modeling using CA 2E concepts and practices. Beginning with the basic concepts of the CA 2E data model, students will learn how to define and maintain objects in the data model then understand how to administer models, including standards and model values. Also covered will be how to create access paths and functions in the model. Hands-on exercises ground the learning and enable the student to get started more quickly building applications. The CA 2E Advanced class is highly recommended for those seeking a fast start to business application development success.
CA 2E Advanced
This five-day Advanced class enables the student to fully design and implement an application consisting of 10 database files, numerous access paths and 25+ functions. Beginning with a review of Foundations material, students gain a deeper understanding of data modeling and the role of the DBA, model administration, access paths and functions. Hands-on exercises transform concepts into reality, ensuring that participants can return to their development labs confident in their ability to create business applications readily using CA 2E.
CA 2E Web Option Foundations
This 2.5-day class is designed for developers who wish to extend their 2E skills so they can generate fully functioning, maintainable web applications. Students will first install and configure the Web Option Server then practice generating HTML screens from CA 2E screens as well as native IBM i screens. The course will cover different ways to customize the HTML to get the desired look and feel either for individual fields and screens or to apply to all screens. Finally, students will learn how to apply Java Script to applications to make them more user-friendly and interactive. At the conclusion of the class, attendees will be able to return home with the skills needed to web-enable legacy applications.
CA 2E Web Option Advanced Customization
This 2.5-day class is designed for developers who are ready to will delve more deeply into the use of JavaScript and JavaScript frameworks like Dojo and Sencha to generate highly interactive yet maintainable web sites using Web Option. Some knowledge of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML is recommended. As this is a workshop, hands-on format, students should bring their own requirements, so they can be addressed in the class. Attendees will learn such skills as Web Option scripting and grids, CSS selection and customization, DOM methods and elements and Dojo Toolkit. At the conclusion, attendees will have the learning necessary to create the web sites they desire.
CA 2E Administrator Training
This two-day class is performed in conjunction with product installation and is designed for systems administrators. Beginning with installation and configuration, students learn about the environment, including advanced features, object codes, integration with CA 2E, database management, security management, managing remote environments and the capability wizard. Details on implementation server and RDi Plug-in may be provided on an as-needed basis. Administrators will leave this class with the fundamentals and hands-on experience they need to manage this environment.
CA 2E CM Developer Training
This one-day class is performed in conjunction with product installation and is designed to give developers a quick-start on using the environment. Hands-on training introduces students to the developer’s workbench, the CA 2E setup, access and workflow and model object use. A number of advanced topics are also offered in this class, including ILE development, working with SQL and stored procedures and troubleshooting. Optional offerings include learning about directory-based change management and how to use the RDI/WDSC interface. At the end of the day, developers will be ready to dive in and start creating applications.