Lily Taharudin / Application Consultant

Have you ever been annoyed when you encounter a web page where you have to scroll and scroll to get to the content you want? Imagine the same page on your phone. You’d quickly give up trying to find the information you need. Complexity is another issue. When there is too much content crammed on a page, it can be very difficult to read.

While there is a legitimate fear that people won’t click to another page, most will be more likely to look elsewhere when they struggle to locate the data they want. Good headers taking you to new pages will make your application far more usable and likeable to your customers and employees.

Imagine a restaurant site. One might have a set of beautiful pictures, followed by their location and hours, then a link to menus and a way to make a reservation. For someone already sure they want to eat there, they want to get to contact/reservation information instantly. A more successful site might have the following headers, leading to new pages:

Screen Shot 2016-01-12 at 2.32.30 PM

Each page might have a different restaurant image, but this design allows anyone to quickly get to the information they need.

Here is a real-world example of a great mobile screen:


The basic information is available on the first screen and you don’t have to scroll. Each page has a full page of related data. You only scroll as far as you need to go.

Keep this in mind when you are designing your mobile applications. When it comes to a mobile application, simpler is better.

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