As recently announced, WebClient i+ 2010 (version 1.6) is compatible with most major browsers. Specifically, the built-in system templates and Dojo Javascript toolkit have been updated to include cross-browser compatibility for Firefox 3+, IE 7+, and Safari 4+.

The practical effect of this is that you can extend the reach of your WebClient application to users around the globe, including those running Macs, iPads, iPhones, Linux, Android, and many other populars OS’s. The ability to target alternative devices is particularly compelling with the rise of smart phones and tablet devices useful to the mobile task worker.

Gartner states the increasing importance well:  Consumers worldwide grabbed up an astonishing 325.6 million mobile devices in the second quarter, up 13.8 percent from the same period a year ago. Smartphones accounted for 19 percent of those sales, a 50.9 percent increase over last year, showing a vital market for the devices as manufacturers and carriers seem to roll out new models and features nearly every month.

So what do you need to get your WebClient applications running in a Safari browser on a mobile device? The answer is that you can run your apps right out of the box on these devices – along with RIA components like TreeView, FlexGrid, and Tabs. Of course, creating a web interface that fits on smaller devices may take some redesign. On large devices, like iPads or high resolution iPhone 4.0, it may work ok as is. See below for an iPad screen shot.

iPad screen shot