A striking revelation unveils that 70-80% of all business transactions worldwide are still written in COBOL. This isn’t just a nostalgic nod to the past but a testament to COBOL’s persistent relevance.

While the allure of newer languages sweeps the tech world, the truth remains. COBOL holds its ground by governing vital financial, administrative, and logistical functions.

Yet, as we stand at the precipice of technological evolution, a pressing inquiry emerges. How can we integrate and upgrade COBOL applications to make them more adept for the future?

This is where the question of “What is intelligent automation?” becomes pivotal. Modernizing isn’t merely about swapping old with new. It’s about incorporating advancements like intelligent automation to amplify and optimize these time-tested systems to ensure they’re not just compatible but ahead in the game.

Read on to discover how to transform COBOL through intelligent mechanisms and forward-thinking strategies.

The Relevance of COBOL in Today’s Tech Landscape

COBOL, despite its age, remains a key player in the world of technology. To some, it might seem like an old language from the past, but it’s far more than just a piece of tech history.

A notable point is that there are over 800 billion lines of COBOL in daily use on production systems. That’s not a small feat for a language that’s been around for so many years.

So why does COBOL hold such a strong position? First off, COBOL’s design was rooted in simplicity and readability. Its very nature makes it easy to maintain, which is essential for long-term projects and large-scale applications.

Similarly, customer expectations have shifted. They seek intuitive interfaces and seamless experiences. Layering modern front-end solutions over COBOL systems can bridge the gap between user expectations and system capabilities.

This means the systems built using COBOL, many years ago, still function efficiently and are less prone to errors. Businesses trust COBOL because it’s stable.

Another point to consider is the sheer magnitude of COBOL code already in existence. It’s not just about the COBOL language being effective. It’s also about the countless hours and resources already invested into developing COBOL systems.

Replacing or rewriting these systems isn’t just time-consuming, but it can also be risky and expensive.

What Is Intelligent Automation and Its Role in Modernizing COBOL

When we think of the tech world’s advances, it’s easy to imagine shiny new gadgets or trendy software. But sometimes, the most transformative advancements aren’t visible on the surface. Which is where intelligent automation comes in.

But what is intelligent automation exactly? At its core, it’s about making systems smarter, allowing them to carry out tasks with minimal human intervention, and often with better accuracy and efficiency.

Intelligent automation isn’t just a single technology but a combination of many, like:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

These tools allow systems to learn from their environment, make decisions, and improve their performance over time. It’s like giving a car the ability to drive itself, but for software systems.

Now, let’s talk about COBOL. We already know it’s old, trusty, and deeply embedded in many of our critical business systems. However, even the most reliable tools can benefit from a modern touch.

This is where intelligent automation steps in. By integrating intelligent automation into COBOL systems, these legacy systems can be enhanced without having to replace them.

For example, a banking application written in COBOL might be efficient in processing transactions. But by adding a layer of intelligent automation, the same application could potentially predict fraudulent activities by analyzing patterns or even handle customer queries automatically. This doesn’t mean changing the COBOL code but enhancing it.

Similarly, many other industries with COBOL-based systems can benefit from the touch of intelligent automation. Think of supply chain systems predicting delivery delays or healthcare applications scheduling patient appointments automatically. The potential is vast.

The Need for Application Modernization in COBOL Systems

Many see COBOL as a time-tested, resilient workhorse in the technology domain. It’s been around for ages, and a significant chunk of our global business runs on it. But the technological landscape isn’t static; it’s always evolving.

As the demands of businesses change, there’s a pressing need to ensure that COBOL systems aren’t left behind.

Application modernization isn’t just a buzzword. It’s a necessary step to keep legacy systems like those based on COBOL relevant and efficient in the current environment.

Let’s paint a picture. Today’s consumers demand instant results. They are used to sleek apps on their phones that offer real-time updates.

For businesses to cater to such expectations, their backend systems, even if written in COBOL, need to be as agile and responsive.

Another factor pushing for application modernization is the rise of new technologies. With cloud platforms, big data, and AI becoming common tools for businesses, there’s an urge to make legacy COBOL systems compatible with these technologies. It’s not about reinventing the wheel but enhancing it.

Take, for instance, the increasing importance of data analytics in business decision-making. Companies that rely on COBOL-based systems might find their data processing capacities a tad limited compared to modern systems.

Here, application modernization can bring COBOL systems up to speed. It allows them to handle vast amounts of data seamlessly.

Then there’s the matter of security. As threats become more sophisticated, older systems, no matter how robust, might have vulnerabilities. Modernizing applications ensures that COBOL systems are fortified with the latest security measures.

Leveraging CM evolveIT for Efficient COBOL Code Modernization

Navigating the intricacies of a classic language like COBOL amidst the dynamic tech environment requires adept tools. A significant challenge is optimizing the efficiency and relevance of the COBOL codebase. This is where CM evolveIT comes in.

Unlike conventional tools, CM evolveIT goes beyond mere refactoring. It’s a maintenance analytics software tailored for enterprise application modernization. By using compiler technology, CM evolveIT slashes discovery time by a remarkable 80%, automatically identifying and documenting intricate business rules and system interactions.

Why is this transformative? Analysts can grasp legacy code comprehensively and promptly.

They’re equipped to provide a language both business and software analysts can understand which ensures everyone’s on the same page. New team members can integrate seamlessly by minimizing errors that arise from analysis gaps.

Here are some of the key features of CM evolveIT that set it apart:

  • It generates business logic and system dependency reports by offering crystal-clear data flow analysis
  • Users can swiftly capture business rules, even if they stretch across multiple programs or database interactions
  • It works on a vast scale, capable of analyzing numerous program components and millions of code lines
  • It ensures a holistic approach by avoiding the pitfalls of isolated program analysis

Furthermore, CM evolveIT supports an array of languages, from COBOL and RPG to SQL, which makes it versatile for diverse project portfolios.

The Evolution and Future Prospects of the COBOL Language

Back when computers were room-sized behemoths, a language emerged, set to standardize business computing. That language was COBOL. Over the years, it has become the backbone of countless business software systems, proving its resilience and adaptability.

The success of COBOL rests in its design. Created with the clarity and readability of the English language, it bridged the gap between business needs and computational logic.

Its structured approach made large-scale data processing a reality. From banking transactions to airline reservations, COBOL language found its way into many sectors, powering critical operations.

Yet, time never stands still. As technological advancements continue, there’s a prevailing sentiment that COBOL may be left behind.

However, the language’s deep roots in the business world ensure it remains relevant. While newer languages emerge and capture the limelight, the foundational systems driven by COBOL remain indispensable.

Embracing Modern Business Software Solutions for COBOL-Based Organizations

In the constantly changing space of technology, staying updated can feel like a race. Evolving without losing the essence of what works can seem challenging. Especially for organizations anchored in COBOL.

But embracing modern business software doesn’t mean leaving COBOL behind. It means enhancing what’s already there with the benefits of new technology.

COBOL has powered business software solutions for decades. Its reliability is unparalleled. Yet, modern businesses demand:

  • Flexibility
  • Interactivity
  • Real-time data analytics

To meet these demands, integrating modern software tools into the existing COBOL framework is a strategic move.

Consider the world of data analytics. Today, data-driven decisions are not a luxury but a necessity. By integrating modern analytical tools with COBOL systems, businesses can derive meaningful insights from the vast amount of data they process daily.

Similarly, customer expectations have shifted. They seek intuitive interfaces and seamless experiences. Layering modern front-end solutions over COBOL systems can bridge the gap between user expectations and system capabilities.

Finally, the push towards cloud computing and decentralized systems necessitates that COBOL-based organizations find ways to be more adaptable. By leveraging the strengths of modern business software, these organizations can:

  • Optimize their operations;
  • Reduce costs; and
  • Remain competitive

Bridging the Legacy With Modern Solutions

Embracing what is intelligent automation and other technological advancements doesn’t mean abandoning trusted COBOL applications. Instead, it’s about elevating them to meet the ever-changing needs of today. Modern solutions streamline operations, reduce costs, and drive innovation.

Yet, navigating this transition can be complex. CM First Group, with its profound experience and innovative solutions, offers trusted partnership and guidance. We understand the intricacies of legacy systems and can help organizations reimagine their modernization journey.

Interested in discovering how? Contact us to schedule a detailed online or onsite demo, and let’s revolutionize the future together.