Andrew Leggett / Sr. Application Consultant

When working on your CA Plex application, it’s easy to lose track of all the entities, functions, panels, fields and more that you’ve recently modified. Luckily, there are a few options in CA Plex to aid your memory.

1.  Automatic Lists

With this option, CA Plex will automatically add any objects you create or change to a List object. There are a couple of steps to using this option.

  1. In File -> General Options, open the ‘Impact Analysis’ tab and check ‘Automatically log modified objects’.

  1. Now set the List object to use. Go to File -> Model Options and press ‘Select’ to select an existing List, press ‘New List…’ to create a new one.

Just find the List in the Object Browser, and everything you’ve worked on recently is there.

2.  Highlight Modified Objects

This is a useful option to make it easy to spot objects in the Object Browser that have been modified or created since you last updated the group model. To set this option, right-click in the Object Browser and select View -> Highlight Modified Objects.

Untouched objects show in grey while modified objects show in black.

3. Highlight Modified Triples

In the Model Editor you can highlight any triples you’ve added or changed since you last updated the group model. To set this option, open the Model Editor and select View -> Options and check ‘Highlight Modifieds’.

With this option, unchanged triples show in grey while your latest triples are in full color.