In our Modernization Strategies series, we look at the full range of modernization pathways available to organizations that maintain legacy applications.

In this article, we focus on Replatforming. I’ll define it, explain the pros and cons, and outline best practices.

What is Replatforming?

Replatforming, also known as “lift-tinker-and-shift,” involves moving parts of a system without making major changes to its core architecture. It’s primarily a cloud migration strategy that modifies a legacy system to work optimally in the cloud. With it, you can take advantage of modern platforms while retaining your existing investment in business logic and data.

The Difference Between Replatforming and Rehosting

Rehosting, which I covered in our previous article in this series, involves moving existing workloads and applications to new hardware or a cloud environment without modifying its basic structure. It’s a simpler and less costly drill than other methods of modernization, but it doesn’t leverage the full capabilities of modern architectures.

Replatforming, on the other hand, involves making changes to an application’s architecture to optimize it for a modern cloud environment. It’s more complex and requires additional resources, but it can offer greater benefits in scalability, flexibility, availability, and cost savings.

Why Consider Replatforming?

Replatforming legacy applications is a strategic move that can offer several benefits. It can help you upgrade and modernize your apps to fuel innovation and achieve optimization at scale. By leveraging modern platforms’ capabilities, you’ll improve processes, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth.

Replatforming is a cost-effective way to modernize legacy systems compared to rearchitecting or replacing them entirely. You’ll minimize disruption while maximizing the value derived from your existing systems.

Practical Tips for Successful Replatforming

Have a Plan

Before starting the replatforming process, it’s important to clearly understand what needs to be achieved, the resources available, and the potential challenges that might arise. Code analysis tools like CM evolveIT can help you every step of the way, saving time and reducing errors.

Manage Scope Creep

To ensure the project remains on track, it’s crucial to manage scope creep effectively. This involves setting clear objectives and boundaries and sticking to them throughout the process.

Do it in Phases

Instead of attempting to replatform the entire system at once, it can be beneficial to do it in phases. This allows for easier management and reduces potential risks.

Learn from Past Mistakes

Every project offers valuable lessons. By learning from past mistakes, organizations can avoid repeating them and ensure a smoother replatforming process.

Don’t Rush

Replatforming is a process that should take time and effort. It’s important to take the time to thoroughly test the new platform before fully transitioning to ensure it meets all business requirements.

Final Thoughts

Replatforming is an efficient and practical approach to modernizing legacy applications. By carefully planning and executing the process, you’ll enhance operational efficiency, improve customer experiences, and drive business growth.

If you’d like to learn more about CM evolveIT code analysis capabilities, contact us.