Visit with us at SHARE in Providence, RI
SHARE is the longest-running conference in its space and represents the largest collection of mainframe experts seeking training, vendor information and networking opportunities. All events will be held at the Rhode Island Convention Center. On Mon., August 7, CM First will host a Lunch & Learn; check your program and just show up and join us. It will be held from 12:30pm – 1:30pm in Room 556A. John Rhodes will present, “Technical Debt Payoff Strategies,”
On Tues., August 8 at 1:30 PM, show up for the vendor presentation on CM evolveIT, presented by Product Owner, Roger Hammer. He will speak on “Automating Analysis and Business Rules Projects.”
On Wed., August 9 at 1:45PM, John Rhodes, CEO, and Roger Hammer, CM evolveIT product owner, CM First, will be presenting, “Interested in Taming Your Technical Debt?” and on Thurs. August 10 at 8:30AM, they will speak about “Business Rule Harvesting: Fast Track to DevOps Agility.” In addition, other CM First consultants will be on hand in the Exhibit Hall to speak about CM evolveIT, our newest solution as well as other products and services. CM First will also be hosting a lunch. Check the online scheduler and plan to attend this session. Bring your challenging questions to the booth; we’re ready to help you. For more information, check the SHARE website: