
75% of top executives believe that AI will allow their organization to grow and achieve a competitive edge. Such a striking statistic sheds light on the mounting significance of advanced technologies in the business landscape. Among these, a prominent contender that’s capturing the attention of IT professionals and industry leaders alike is intelligent automation.

So, what is intelligent automation? At its core, intelligent automation fuses the capabilities of artificial intelligence with automation tools, bringing forth an enhanced synergy of efficiency and adaptability.

For IT veterans and newcomers alike, understanding this synergy isn’t just about keeping up with the times. It’s about harnessing a tool that can reshape workflows, rejuvenate legacy systems, and redefine the benchmarks of operational excellence. As we navigate the nuances of this technology, it’s crucial to grasp not just its functionality, but its potential to revolutionize the very fabric of our professional realm.

What Is Intelligent Automation?

Imagine a tool that combines the accuracy of machines with the problem-solving skills of humans. That’s what Intelligent Automation (IA) is all about.

It’s a step beyond simple automation. While standard automation can follow rules and perform tasks, IA takes it further. It learns, adapts, and makes decisions.

Let’s break this down a bit.

Standard automation is like a player piano. You set it up, and it plays the notes perfectly every time. But it only plays what it’s programmed to play.

Now, think of IA as a jazz musician. It can not only play the notes but can improvise and come up with new melodies based on the song’s feel and audience reactions. That’s the kind of flexibility and adaptability we’re talking about with IA.

At the heart of this is the combination of robotic process automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI). RPA is great for repetitive tasks. It can do things like data entry or process transactions at lightning speeds.

But, by itself, it’s limited to those tasks. This is where AI enters the scene. When you infuse AI into RPA, you get a system that can think, learn, and adapt.

At its core, intelligent automation fuses the capabilities of artificial intelligence with automation tools, bringing forth an enhanced synergy of efficiency and adaptability.

For instance, it can handle customer inquiries by understanding the context, even if the question isn’t worded exactly how it was trained.

Now, think about the older software systems your organization relies on. Modernizing these legacy applications becomes crucial. And that’s where IA shines.

It helps update outdated applications, making them smarter and more efficient. This continuous innovation ensures your organization stays agile and relevant.

IA also plays a significant role in transitioning to cloud platforms. It ensures smooth migrations and allows you to leverage the power of the cloud, making processes more agile and scalable.

The Power and Potential of Intelligent Automation

For those of us entrenched in the vast world of IT, managing systems, troubleshooting glitches, and envisioning integrations, IA symbolizes an epoch of revolutionary capability. It’s more than just a tool; it’s an architect of transformative change.

Let’s dissect what IA truly means for the IT sector. By intertwining the analytical precision of artificial intelligence with the unerring consistency of automation, we witness a platform that can overhaul how we perceive routine operations. No longer are we just executing tasks; with IA, we’re refining, optimizing, and evolving them.

Consider a regular day: tasks that used to be monumental challenges, intertwined with legacy software, and hours of manual input, can now be streamlined. Processes that we’ve grown accustomed to, which sometimes took up a significant chunk of our workday, are suddenly becoming fluid and efficient.

But the beauty of IA isn’t just in speeding things up. It’s in the enhanced accuracy, the reduction of human-induced errors, and the real-time adjustments it can make based on evolving data patterns.

Legacy systems, often seen as behemoths resistant to change, gain a new lease on life with IA. Those systems, laden with data and often critical to core business functions, can be rejuvenated.

IA doesn’t merely patch older systems. It integrates, enhancing their utility and extending their relevance in today’s fast-paced digital age.

Legacy Application Modernization and Continuous Innovation

Legacy applications are like those classic cars from the 70s. They hold sentimental value, and yes, they still work. But they aren’t as efficient or as safe as today’s models.

In the same way, old software systems can slow your organization down. They might work, but they don’t always work well with newer tech.

Intelligent Automation changes that. It brings old systems into the modern era. Think of it like adding a powerful new engine to that classic car.

Suddenly, it’s not just a showpiece; it’s back on the road, competing with newer models.

By modernizing legacy applications with IA, you can tap into new features. It’s not just about making old software work faster. It’s about making it smarter.

This way, it can understand newer data formats, connect with current apps, and even predict future trends.

What’s really exciting is the idea of continuous innovation. Once an organization starts on the path of modernization, they don’t have to stop. As technology evolves, so can their systems.

With IA in place, it’s easier to adapt to changes. This keeps your organization agile and ready to meet new challenges.

The Shift Towards Cloud Application Modernization

Cloud technology is reshaping how businesses operate. Gone are the days when data was stored in big, bulky servers in a basement room. Today, the cloud offers a vast space to store, manage, and access data anytime, anywhere.

But shifting to the cloud isn’t always smooth. Many businesses still rely on old software. These systems weren’t built for the cloud.

So, when a company decides to make the move, it hits roadblocks. Data might not migrate correctly, or the software might not run efficiently in the cloud environment.

Enter Intelligent Automation. It bridges the gap between old software and the cloud. With IA, businesses can ensure that their older systems are compatible with cloud platforms.

It’s like giving an old tree new soil to grow in. The tree not only survives but thrives.

But the shift isn’t just about moving data. It’s about maximizing the benefits of the cloud. Once businesses are in the cloud with their modernized applications, they can use resources better.

Processes can become more flexible. Work can be done faster. And all this while ensuring data security and system stability.

The Nuances of Intelligent Workflow Automation

Workflows are like the backbone of a business. They guide tasks from start to finish, making sure everything runs smoothly.

But traditional workflows have limits. They follow a set path and don’t adapt to changes.

This is where Intelligent Workflow Automation (IWA) comes in. It’s not just about getting tasks done. It’s about getting them done smarter.

IWA adds a layer of intelligence to workflows. This means they can adjust to changes and even predict what comes next.

Imagine a delivery driver who knows about a roadblock before reaching it. They can take another route without delay. IWA does the same for business processes.

If there’s a bottleneck or a delay, IWA finds a new route. It keeps things moving without wasting time.

IWA also reduces errors. It spots mistakes before they become big problems. It’s like having a guard on duty, always watching, always ready.

With fewer errors, businesses can deliver better service and keep customers happy.

COBOL Modernization: Breathing Life into Legacy Systems

For many IT managers, COBOL isn’t a relic of the past-it’s a daily reality. The nuances, strengths, and challenges of this legacy system are something you navigate every day.

As you’re well aware, COBOL has been the backbone of many critical systems over the decades. Its resilience is unparalleled, but the evolving tech landscape demands a fresh approach to harnessing its full potential.

Intelligent Automation (IA) isn’t about replacing COBOL. Instead, it’s about enhancing and amplifying what COBOL can do in today’s digital ecosystem.

IA introduces layers of agility, efficiency, and scalability into COBOL-based systems. By integrating IA tools, routine tasks that used to eat up precious hours can be streamlined, freeing up more time for innovative pursuits.

Beyond just optimizing tasks, IA can also enhance data processing and connectivity in COBOL environments. It bridges the gap between this legacy software and modern interfaces, ensuring seamless communication with newer systems and platforms.

This means that while COBOL remains at the heart of operations, it can dynamically interact with modern interfaces, ensuring that the data flow remains robust and timely.

For the IT managers who know COBOL inside out, the journey of modernization isn’t about abandoning a trusted ally. It’s about arming it with the tools to keep it relevant and powerful in the contemporary tech scenario. With IA, COBOL doesn’t just survive; it thrives, ready to take on the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Harnessing Intelligent Automation for Business Efficiency

So, what is Intelligent Automation? In the cascade of technological evolution, IA stands as a beacon for organizations aiming to streamline, innovate, and drive excellence. As we’ve seen, from legacy application revitalization to the seamless transition towards cloud platforms, IA paints a promising landscape for your organization.

However, such transitions require expertise and a discerning eye. If your organization seeks to harness the prowess of Intelligent Automation, we invite you to explore what CM First Group brings to the table. Reach out today to discover more or schedule a demo.