Improve Your Application’s Mobile Security with Tools and Determination We carefully lock our houses and cars, may even have our laptops hard-wired to the internet (through a router, of course). Men keep their wallets in a front pocket and women hold their purses in front and close. We shred important documents, read our credit card
Large government agencies often face daunting application modernization challenges with complex code accumulated over decades.
Using Analytics Software to Speed Enterprise Application Projects As enterprise software grows increasingly complex, the need for sophisticated software analysis tooling has grown apace, and is the foundation for automating the process of software development. Join us as we demonstrate the latest technology available for Application Comprehension, Project Scoping, Data Lineage, and Business Rules
A leading ocean transportation company and an expert in maritime logistics and planning needed to replace their mainframe with a package application for controlling worldwide shipments. The company chose CM evolveIT to document business rules and the complex interactions between programs.
Code is typically developed over many years by a succession of developers, each with their own level of expertise and understanding of the business objective. Even the best contractor faces a major productivity hurdle in coming to grips with it.
Understanding source code can by mystifying, especially when you encounter established code fresh as a newcomer. Improve your understanding, and eventual ability to explain it to others, with a code diagram.