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June 30, 2016

Many companies are beginning to realize that the rate of mainframer retirement is only increasing with few new experts in the pipeline. While jobs are plentiful, many members of the workforce do not know COBOL or other legacy languages. They are simply not being taught any longer. And yet, legacy languages are the heart of

June 29, 2016

Most CA 2E applications have gotten quite large over the many years they have been in use. In order to navigate more easily through the application, CA 2E offers some nice options. The obvious feature we see is the positioning lines on the top of the Edit Database Relations Screen.  Files can be found rather

June 28, 2016

On July 26th at 9AM PDT, join CM First and CA Technologies to learn the latest about CA 2E and how you can exploit the features and capabilities. In addition, CM First will speak to ways customers are using CM M3 to modernize their applications. Don’t miss this exciting webcast.   See the full news

June 21, 2016

CM First has been invited back to speak and exhibit at SHARE, this time in Atlanta, GA. The conference offers a great opportunity to highlight the new product, CM evolveIT, and to foster interest in the world of automated code analysis.   See the full news release here: SHARE is in Atlanta this Year

June 20, 2016

CM First has acquired CM evolveIT, a robust code analysis tool, to further extend the value of its modernization capability. CM evolveIT is used as an integral part of the DevOps process by enterprise mainframe development organizations in North America and around the world.  This automated code analysis process will isolate business rules and more,

May 2, 2016

Lily Taharudin/Application Consultant When designing applications just for a website accessed only by a desktop or laptop, many of us got comfortable using low-resolution images. They loaded faster and back in the day, with networks and browsers working more slowly, everything you could do to improve performance truly mattered. Now, when you don’t know who