CM First wants to make it easy for you to web-enable and/or mobile-enable legacy applications. As many find this the most pressing need in their organization but struggle with the right approach, CM WebClient can make it fast and easy to be successful. We’re running a promotion through October 14, 2016 where you can receive
At the August SHARE Conference in Atlanta, GA, CM First Group had the chance to speak to developers about automated code analysis and then show them a new solution, CM evolveIT, at their booth. The session produced lively conversation and booth traffic was heavier than other vendors experienced; the message resonated with attendees. See
Join CM First and CA Technologies on August 23rd, 2016 at 11 AM EDT to learn about what’s new in CA Plex, where the technology is going and how to exploit it to meet your business goals. Steve Solomon, CA Plex Product Manager will lead off and there will be four lightning sessions from experts
The CM evolveIT product suite contains a complete set of tools for analyzing and documenting legacy applications.
Introducing CM evolveIT and a review of the iCAthlon. Read it here. Did you like this article about “CM FIRST GROUP NEWSLETTER Q2 2016” – email us future blog topics to
As companies plan modernization projects, the question inevitably arises: what is the best way to modernize a codebase? To ensure that the business is not negatively impacted when modernizing, it is necessary to understand, document, and import all business rules to the new system. As the changes made are meant to improve the business and