Learn about how Hapimag and United Heritage Insurance used the features of CM WebClient 1.8.2 to create mobile apps from legacy applications without putting existing staff through a long training cycle or having to add staff with new skills. See the full news release here: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/11/prweb11321186.htm Did you like this article about “CM
A cross-platform application life-cycle management product that provides end-to-end governance of software change processes.
Just a reminder that the 2E/Plex Conference is next next week. I will be leading a workshop on Advanced 2E Topics. We will be looking a ILE, SQL, Web Services and using IBM APIs in 2E. It should be a great time to experience some things in 2E you normally do not get to do.
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If you purchase $5000 worth of new products or services from CM First this calendar year, you can send someone to the 6th CA 2E/ Plex Worldwide Developer Conference for free (or close to free). CM First Group will rebate up to $1000 of the purchase toward paying conference fees and travel. Services can include training,
CM M3 delivers fast, cost-effective, robust and future-ready modernizations of CA 2E enterprise applications.