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March 25, 2013

CM MatchPoint ALM makes it much easier to integrate development environments under Subversion control for web and mobile applications that span multiple tiers.   In addition, in the new release of CM MatchPoint, a new user interface has been delivered offering improved navigation and processes.   Check out CM MatchPoint Essentials, a free, entry-level version

March 25, 2013

CA 2E Roadmap   Following the successful release of CA 2E r8.6 in 2012, we (CA) will use this presentation to discuss our feature focus for r8.7, which is already well underway and has a tentative release date of early 2014. This release will include features from a variety of sources – enhancement requests, customer conversations

March 23, 2013

With the successful release of CA Plex r7.0, it is time for a new focus on future development plans. In this presentation CA will discuss the renewed strategy for CA Plex and outline many of the new features both committed to and under consideration for our upcoming releases; many of which have evolved from enhancement requests from,

March 20, 2013

CM First will again be participating in the annual IBM Common Conference April 7-10, 2013.  Longstanding members of the organization, CM First looks forward to the chance to spend time meeting with current customers and discussing their solutions and services with new prospects.   IBM Common, once an education and advocacy group for the System

March 18, 2013

Check our Resources pages to read: “FORECAST: CLOUDY, WITH A MOBILE FRONT MOVING IN – Weathering Application Challenges.” This new white paper will help you understand the value of modernizing legacy applications so you can exploit the benefits of cloud and support the challenges of mobile application enablement. Don’t waste the time and money on