CM First recently partnered with AXON IVY to sell, service and consult on BPM implementations using the Axon.ivy BPM Suite. There is great value in adding BPM to your existing portfolio as you seek to speed your application modernization modernization efforts. Click here to view the paper: Did you like this article about
It’s Time for the 2015 CA 2E/CA Plex 7th Developers Conference Join the CA Community, Partners and Customers for this Premier Developer and Analyst Event in Austin, TX Hello again to the Worldwide CA 2E/Plex Community, Early Bird registration for only US$249 is now open for the 7th CA 2E/CA Plex Developers Conference, to be
CM First Group began to promote their partnership with iBPM experts, AXON IVY, by attending two BPM conferences lately. In December, CTO, John Rhodes attended Gartner Business Process Management Summit in Las Vegas. Mark O’Brien, Business Development Director, just attended PEX Week 2015 in Orlando, FL in January. Both conferences connected CM First to analysts
CA Technologies has announced that they will no longer support CA Plex r7.0 beginning January 15, 2016. They recommend upgrading to CA Plex r7.1 or r7.2 prior to that date. See the full end of service announcement here: CM First can make this transition much easier for you with a variety of service
CM First Group, a CA Technologies partner, now offers customers a robust IBM i hosting service which includes the IBM i technical infrastructure in a virtual partition and business data protection. Available 7×24, companies can access a development environment and business applications remotely. See the full news release here: Did you like this
CM First has a business strategy based on application lifecycle management best practices; a natural alliance was to partner with AXON IVY to help customers automate processes and transform workflows better and faster. AXON IVY AXON IVY’s core product, the Axon.ivy BPM Suite, provides organizations with a single, intelligent and fully integrated process application platform
This new release had three purposes. One, to enhance the desktop experience within the browser to improve the way developers can customize and control app development. The second goal was to transform the documentation into an HTML-based system, which makes it much easier to find answers to questions and understand best practives. An additional deliverable
Fed up with the high cost and work of hosting your IBM i applications and managing the upgrades to the operating system and software packages? With IBM i and CA 2E (Synon) skillsets in short supply and the cost of managing your environment rising, it may be time to take advantage of CM First’s new
Mobile solutions are an important part of CM First’s application modernization strategy. L-mobile is offering mobile solutions in areas like Warehouse Management, Logistics and Production, as well as Service Management and CRM. Their solutions include the mobile software as well as any necessary hardware, like mobile devices, wireless infrastructure, RFID chips and readers. L-mobile is
This article is the first in a series of articles that will provide a basic introduction to the function options for each type of 2E function. The first function we will look at is the Execute External Function. Commit control Generation mode Copy back messages Send all error messages Reclaim resources Generate error routine Close