A cross-platform application life-cycle management product that provides end-to-end governance of software change processes.
Just a reminder that the 2E/Plex Conference is next next week. I will be leading a workshop on Advanced 2E Topics. We will be looking a ILE, SQL, Web Services and using IBM APIs in 2E. It should be a great time to experience some things in 2E you normally do not get to do.
Did you like this article about “CM FIRST GOOGLE CHROMECAST GIVEAWAY” – email us future blog topics to info@cmfirstgroup.com
CM M3 delivers fast, cost-effective, robust and future-ready modernizations of CA 2E enterprise applications.
Learn about the value of working with CM First in an easy-to-consume fashion. Our new infographic shows you who we are. Check it out! See the graphic here: http://www.cmfirstgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/CM-First-Info-Graphic-Overview.pdf Did you like this article about “SEE THE NEW CM FIRST INFOGRAPHIC” – email us future blog topics to info@cmfirstgroup.com
Hapimag offers a unique spin on vacation ownership with properties in Europe and the United States. To make booking holidays easier and more flexible, Hapimag came to CM First to enable mobile access to their travel booking application. The new mobile app allows travelers to browse properties and then select the perfect site for their
Using CM WebClient and Sencha Touch, United Heritage Life Insurance was able to transform legacy applications into an integrated app that makes their sales teams more successful and their customers more satisfied. Read this customer success story at: http://www.cmfirstgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/United-Heritage-Success-Story-final.pdf Read this customer success story at: http://www.cmfirstgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/United-Heritage-Success-Story-final.pdf
The new iPhone is out! If you are developing mobile apps, you want to be sure that your software runs wells on every device and every OS. With CM WebClient, you can be sure that your apps will work, day one. CM WebClient makes it easy to port legacy applications to mobile, ensuring that you
CM First is at Share Conference in Boston and giving away Google Chromecasts August 12, 2013 Completion of this survey will enter your name to qualify for a Google Chromecast. CM First Group Share Conference Survey Are you currently at Share Conference in Boston Attend our Technical Debt Talk and you will automatically qualify
CM First announces the latest version of CM WebClient Mobile for CA Plex, version 1.8 SP1. The new release makes it even easier and faster to create feature-rich, mobile applications. See the full news release here: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/7/prweb10960845.htm Did you like this article about “GOING MOBILE CAN BE EASIER WITH CM FIRST WEBCLIENT” –