In my position at CM First Group, I’m often called upon to perform 2E training. It’s actually one of the most enjoyable things I do in my position! However, from time to time I get students who have been RPG or Cobol developers, who are not impressed with the default screen designs in 2E. I
Web Services are an essential part of modernizing many legacy systems. CA 2E developers are able to build their own Web Services inside the CA 2E model. Recently, I worked with a customer on exposing some important parts of their CA 2E application through Web Services. There are several lessons we learned while implementing Web
The most significant feature in CA 2E r8.7 is the ability to convert a DDS database file to SQL without having to recompile the functions associated with the file. This capability makes moving to a modern SQL database rather easy. In the past, communication between Java and web developers was hampered because CA 2E generated
2 Ways to Manage Blank Status Fields Do you ever get tired of having to create a workaround so you can avoid showing the ‘blank’ condition description for your status fields? By default, you have to enter code to retrieve conditions for display on a screen and then, if it is a blank condition, you
Improving Your CA 2E Development Experience with Some Useful ‘Rules of Thumb’ I’m going to show you some rules of thumb that, if used consistently, will improve your development experience. The parameters screen can be very useful if you take care with it. When I first learned to use Synon, I would have a