
December 21, 2009

There are benefits to running secure production WebClient/Websydian applications under a combination of both Tomcat and Apache. This configuration can be the highest performance option, and can be run under SSL for security. Tomcat and Apache are both free, open source software that are proven in high performance production environments. While lacking some of the management features of

November 23, 2009

The WebClient test drive that was given at the CA Plex and 2E developer’s conference and the Boise Fall 2009 event is now available to download and access online. This is an excellent opportunity to evaluate the Websydian WebClient i+ platform first hand. To take the WebClient 2009 Test Drive, please visit the following link:

November 5, 2009

If you would like to run WebClient applications under IIS control, there are a few things to be aware of. Normally IIS can not execute Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSPs), so you need to configure IIS to use the JK ISAPI redirector plugin that will let IIS send servlet and JSP requests to Tomcat (and this way, serve