The WebClient TreeView advanced control was designed to work with existing Plex Active/TreeView pattern functions with minimum changes to the action diagram. Read the following for the instructions (note this article was authored by Andrew Leggett, Senior Consultant for ADC Austin. He can be reached at For example, you may want to implement a
The latest release of WebClient contains a new optional pattern library with advanced Ajax web GUI control patterns. The two principle patterns released with WebClient 2010 (1.6) are ~TreeView and ~FlexGrid.
The upcoming 2010 release of the WebClient i+ platform will contain optional support for advanced Dojo controls such as the TreeView and FlexGrid components. The TreeView component is self-explanatory. The FlexGrid component is an advanced grid with the ability of adding columns dynamically, advanced font/display formatting, adding images to cells, and more (see the CA
Lets have a bit of fun with our CA Plex / WebClient application – lets change the panel background to a snow storm. This will be done with a bit of javascript, and adding a triple “myfunction is a SnowShell”. We will use the javascript example posted at this URL First download this zip containing
Sometimes it is useful to show an external web page or component embedded in the body of a WebClient panel. An example could be showing another web site, an image, a map, a widget like a calculator, or some other item of interest. Because WebClient panels are generated as standard web pages, this is very
Special Note: Andrew Leggett, Senior Application Consultant, is the guest author of this post. Andrew Leggett can be reached at WebClient makes it easy to generate your Plex panel designs as HTML and Javascript so they can be used within a web browser; but with the use of custom templates, you can also present
Learn how to apply CSS and templates to your CA Plex generated application, and give it a distinctive look and feel.
In the past, web designers were forced by technology into web pages that looked like the “complaint” page below. After hitting the submit button, the web pages was validated by the server and the page refreshed with errors posted back as a list. The user had to interpret the error messages to figure out which field
Geomapping Technology and the Internet One of the advantages of web application development is that you can easily integrate or mashup your organizational data with the large array of detailed information made freely available on the internet. A good example of this is geographical mapping data. The uses of having geo mapping data within your
Here is an example of creating a custom template in WebClient. WebClient Ajax grids use a standard Plex model where the user highlights the row to operate on, and then presses a button to drill into other functions. What if you want to use a link model to accomplish the same thing? Here is an