Our Broadcom product aggregator status can help position companies with CA 2E (Synon, COOL:2E) or CA Plex systems to get a support Broadcom support and maintenance contract in place, and with it, some peace of mind.
This webinar will leave you with a better analysis system that's easy to work with day-to-day, and brings you peace of mind knowing you have a complete grasp of the inner-workings of your enterprise system.
Watch the January 19th Community Webcast CA Community hosts Mark O’brien and Roger Griffith kicked off the meeting with a review of the 12th Plex/2E Worldwide User Conference survey results, then discussed plans for the community in 2022 and beyond. They relayed information received from Broadcom and A&I on support for the CA 2E/Plex products
First, we will review the 12th Plex/2E Worldwide User Conference survey results in Austin, Texas, October 22-27th, and discuss plans for the community in 2022 and beyond. We will relay information received from Broadcom and A&I on support for the CA 2E/Plex products, and discuss the new “aggregator” subscriptions for smaller customers as well as a new Managed Application...
The CA 2E CA Plex Worldwide conference executive roundtable, an informal discussion about the risks and complexities of large-scale modernization, encompassed a wide range of relevant issues old and new in modern-day digital transformation.
The 12th CA 2E / CA Plex Virtual Conference is only two weeks away and we're looking forward to it. The Pit Stop keynote addresses, in particular, feature some of the most compelling content you'll experience at the conference, and this year's lineup is something that you will not want to miss.