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November 7, 2019

This method is a simple way to send an email with WebClient. Create a function with these fields: toEmail: Recipient’s email fromEmail: Sender’s email subject: Subject from the email body: Message part from the email attachmentFileLocation(OPTIONAL): path from the file we will send as attachment   2. Add a source code object call “sendEmail” to your function.   3. Add the

October 28, 2019

COBOL turned 60 years old in September. Remarkably, we’re now in an age where a programming language would soon be collecting social security were it human. Even more remarkable is how strong COBOL remains. Far from entering retirement, COBOL continues to work hard, powering over 70% of global transactions, according to Micro Focus, the company that

October 14, 2019

WebClient supports displaying data in several basic charts based on the C3 and D3 JavaScript libraries. Chart.ctrl now allows you to display your data in pie, donut, line, bar, and spline chart formats. The grid should have exactly two columns of data. First, the label. Second, the quantitative data. To implement it, the control name of the