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January 12, 2016

Lily Taharudin / Application Consultant Have you ever been annoyed when you encounter a web page where you have to scroll and scroll to get to the content you want? Imagine the same page on your phone. You’d quickly give up trying to find the information you need. Complexity is another issue. When there is

January 12, 2016

CM First has begun adopting the principle of ‘continuous update’ for strategic products like CM WebClient. At one time, major, yearly updates were the norm for software. This model no longer works when change happens so rapidly. Developers need access to the latest capabilities to help their companies compete.   As such, you will begin

January 12, 2016

Some may remember a time when application design meant putting characters on a dumb terminal screen in a somewhat organized fashion, but with only a little regard to the viewing experience. As soon as the Internet provided a gateway for customers to connect with your business, site design became a competitive factor. Add to the

December 30, 2015

CM First has been invited to speak at the first 2016 SHARE Conference in San Antonio in March on “iBPM – The Developer’s Secret In the Quest to Modernize Legacy Applications”. Combining CM First expertise and software with the offerings from OpenLegacy and Axon.ivy, legacy applications can be modernized quickly, safely and expertly.   See

November 10, 2015

Lorenz Alder, Senior Consultant / Software Architect User Storage helps us with integration of third party libraries such as mail, ftp, NoSQL DB, file system access etc. Once an object is instantiated through source code, we store it in User Storage and make it accessible to all CA Plex functions in the call graph. The