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August 21, 2015

Web Services are an essential part of modernizing many legacy systems. CA 2E developers are able to build their own Web Services inside the CA 2E model. Recently, I worked with a customer on exposing some important parts of their CA 2E application through Web Services. There are several lessons we learned while implementing Web

August 21, 2015

When your applications hold you back from corporate goals, such as Cloud, mobile-enablement, Big Data, etc. one of the first thoughts that comes to mind is that you might need to replace/rewrite your applications. The second thought is that this approach is very risky, costly and time-consuming. In fact, you might even feel you don’t

August 19, 2015

If you missed SenchaCon 2015, attend a one day roadshow in Boston on September 15, 2015 or in Chicago on September 17, 2015. At both, you will learn how Sencha is merging EXT JS and Touch into a single framework, making it easier to build web applications. Another big announcement is the addition of touch

August 18, 2015

CM First USA recently moved to a larger workspace at 7000 N. Mopac Expressway, Austin, TX, in the Plaza 7000 Office Building. The new space brings all US employees together and offers more meeting space.   See the full news release here: Did you like this article about “CM FIRST USA MOVES TO NEW

July 31, 2015

CM First partner, Sencha,has just announced an integrated platform for web application lifecycle management, including key components to make web and mobile device deployment easier. This new, integrated solution will enhance the value of the integration between the Sencha tools and CM WebClient.   See the full news release here: Did you like this

July 29, 2015

The success of the original quarterly newsletter has prompted CM First to offer one targeted at the CM WebClient developer. This will be a more technically-focused newsletter offering specific guidance in your web and mobile development efforts.   See the full news release here: Did you like this article about “CM FIRST INTRODUCES NEW