Developers who are upgrading their version of WebClient from 1.4.x to a new version can find the upgrade instructions posted in two places: WebClient Wiki On the main page under English documentation WebClient Portal Site Under developer content / software downloads. You must self-register on the site to download software and documentation from this area.
WebClient i+ Developers – WebClient Patch Release 1.4.7 is released. To obtain this release, please login to and select Developer Content and Software Downloads. The May 2009 WebClient newsletter is available at Best Regards, The Websydian WebClient i+ development team
Geomapping Technology and the Internet One of the advantages of web application development is that you can easily integrate or mashup your organizational data with the large array of detailed information made freely available on the internet. A good example of this is geographical mapping data. The uses of having geo mapping data within your
Experienced WebClient i+ developers usually find it useful to run their Java applications as client-server prior to publishing to the web server for final testing. The reasons are as follows: “Smoke test” the application quickly for basic business functionality Test basic database access Eliminate customized html and java script as a potential reason for application
WebClient i+ Developers – WebClient Patch Release 1.4R5 is released. To obtain this release, please login to and select Developer Content and Software Downloads. An updated WebClient template customization guide is now available on the documentation wiki, Japanese language documentation is also now available on the documentation wiki, The April WebClient newsletter
Japanese language manuals have been posted to the Websydian WebClient documentation wiki. The translation was done by the Japanese WebClient distributor, Takaya Corporation.