Volunteer speakers share their favorite CA Plex/2E tips and tricks which they use in their everyday practice.
Hosting IBM i Applications in the cloud comes with both business and technical benefits. Start your journey the right way in this informative video.
Watch the demonstration video that shows you how to move CA 2E model applications from RPG and COBOL to Java, the web, and cloud.
Apply CM evolveIT’s unique automated static analysis and code slicing technology to four common code analysis use cases.
This video introduces 2E customers to the benefits that CA Plex has to offer. From the CA Plex CA 2E community.
The CM evolveIT product suite contains a complete set of tools for analyzing and documenting legacy applications.
A cross-platform application life-cycle management product that provides end-to-end governance of software change processes.
CM M3 delivers fast, cost-effective, robust and future-ready modernizations of CA 2E enterprise applications.