
March 11, 2024

In today’s economy, volatility is the new normal. But in tech, disruptive volatility is now on steroids. Thanks to the pandemic and the sporadic growth that followed, IT managers struggled to address how best to move their modernization goals forward. Adapting to remote work needs and a customer base that shifted online, new and bigger

February 19, 2024

If a “big bang” modernization project isn’t an option for your organization, a growing number of approaches and solutions are at your service that can help you make incremental yet impactful progress. From microservices to automation, you can build a portfolio of “digital transformation” projects that increase efficiency, help you provide better services to your

January 19, 2024

Breaking complex applications down into simpler components can be a game-changer for organizations willing to rethink their architecture as a collection of ‘microservices.’ With a microservices approach, you’ll build applications as a collection of loosely coupled, independent services that communicate with each other via APIs. Get it right, and you’ll achieve several advantages, including greater