Design and Build Your Mobile App ‘Minimum Viable Product’ and Get it Into Your Users Hands Sooner Rather Than Later As programmers have learned since the beginning of coding, it can be difficult to feel your program is ‘done.’ There’s always more tweaking you can do, but are you really making it better? While you
Create Rich Tooltips and Popups to Guide Your Users With your application, its important to give your user all the information they need. But, it is also important not to overwhelm them with too much information and clutter. In many Plex applications, this is accomplished with a basic screen that shows only “need to know”
Join CM First at SHARE St. Louis 2018 CM First Group will be an exhibitor and speaker at SHARE in St. Louis, MO, August 12-17, 2018. Visit us in the exhibit hall, booth number 210, and be sure to catch our sponsored session titled “Speeding the Journey To ‘Low Code’” on Thursday, August 16, 3:15-4:15PM
Meeting the challenges of modernization is a critical effort in order to keep up with competitors who may be investing in migration, and mobile. IBM shops look to advanced capture and leverage of COBOL business rules.
Join Us at the VM Workshop in North Carolina June 28th-30th Mark Wiess and Roger Hammer from CM First will be joining the Mainframe VM community for workshops and presentations at the VM Workshop in North Carolina June 28th-30th. Come join members of the z/VM, Linux on IBM zSystems, and z/VSE communities, at
Register Now for the CA Plex/2E DACH June 14th User Group Meeting in Germany The day will be packed with interesting presentations around CA 2E and CA Plex. Topics include CA Product Roadmaps, CA 2E Modernization, Web and Mobile Development, DevOps and Automation. They still have a few slots available, so if you