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February 21, 2017

CM First technical experts are returning to SHARE San Jose 2017 this March. CM evolveIT Product Owner Roger Hammer will join CM First CTO John Rhodes and Denise Kalm for a talk on “Mining for Gold: Integrating Automated Code Analysis into DevOps” on Monday, March 6 at 3:15PM. CM First will also host an exhibit

February 16, 2017

CM First Group Recognized as Most Promising Company at Rice Alliance 14th Annual I.T. and Web Venture Forum   (Jan. 31, 2017) – CM First Group was recognized as one of the 10 Most Promising I.T. and Web Technology Companies at the Rice Alliance for Technology and Entrepreneurship 14th annual I.T. and Web Venture Forum

January 3, 2017

All modern browsers have scalable vector graphic (SVG) file support. But there are several display options for these files. The simplest method is to display the file directly as an image: <img src=”test.svg” alt=”My Test SVG File”> However, in so doing, you lose a unique function of SVG files because it is no longer possible

January 3, 2017

With HTML5/JavaScript applications, item positioning on a screen falls into two categories: relative positioning or absolute positioning. Absolute positioning for mobile applications should be avoided (with few exceptions) since mobile devices vary greatly. Relative positioning can be tricky to get just right, however. Below are a few quick and easy tricks to position items better

January 3, 2017

By Denise Kalm | Industry Expert A new, clean web page isn’t built in a day — it requires major testing before going live. Web pages are software, and software is prone to bugs. Problems with your pages can seriously affect your line of business, and the wide visibility of a web page harbors the

November 28, 2016

CM First Group has just released the newest release of their code analysis tool, CM evolveIT, release 10.1. This release includes clone detection, a critical feature in finding duplicated or near duplicated code, which can add to the cost of maintenance, increases risk and usually demands more resource utilization. Other version 10.1 enhancements include improved