
January 28, 2020

Displaying blocks of information as an array of protected fields is easy and fast, but, it is not always the most effective way to impart information to your users. The Solution: Use Custom HTML Fields. With custom html fields, you can remove unnecessary information, more easily highlight important information for your users, and achieve a

January 8, 2020

  Register now for the IBM / CM First Webcast “IBM Power Data Privacy” Click here to register for the webcast now. Do you know where your organization’s sensitive data lives, and who is accessing it? Many IBM Power organizations aren’t sure how to answer that, leaving them open to both internal and external hacking

October 28, 2019

COBOL turned 60 years old in September. Remarkably, we’re now in an age where a programming language would soon be collecting social security were it human. Even more remarkable is how strong COBOL remains. Far from entering retirement, COBOL continues to work hard, powering over 70% of global transactions, according to Micro Focus, the company that

October 14, 2019

WebClient supports displaying data in several basic charts based on the C3 and D3 JavaScript libraries. Chart.ctrl now allows you to display your data in pie, donut, line, bar, and spline chart formats. The grid should have exactly two columns of data. First, the label. Second, the quantitative data. To implement it, the control name of the

September 30, 2019

Calendar views are a must-have for many web-based applications. Normally, coding them into your app becomes a real challenge when your users are on the go and have a need for mobile-based viewing in addition to the desktop version. Fortunately, with WebClient you can build an Outlook-style events calendar solution that’s robust and easy to