
January 3, 2017

With HTML5/JavaScript applications, item positioning on a screen falls into two categories: relative positioning or absolute positioning. Absolute positioning for mobile applications should be avoided (with few exceptions) since mobile devices vary greatly. Relative positioning can be tricky to get just right, however. Below are a few quick and easy tricks to position items better

January 3, 2017

By Denise Kalm | Industry Expert A new, clean web page isn’t built in a day — it requires major testing before going live. Web pages are software, and software is prone to bugs. Problems with your pages can seriously affect your line of business, and the wide visibility of a web page harbors the

November 28, 2016

CM First Group has just released the newest release of their code analysis tool, CM evolveIT, release 10.1. This release includes clone detection, a critical feature in finding duplicated or near duplicated code, which can add to the cost of maintenance, increases risk and usually demands more resource utilization. Other version 10.1 enhancements include improved

October 7, 2016

A call-out to CM First was recently posted to the SenchaDev site showing how CM First provides full stack development with ExtJS and Sencha Touch front ends. The company focuses on legacy back ends, integrating with IBM mainframe and midrange systems with cloud platforms including AWS and Azure. Among the quotes from developers working with

September 30, 2016

If you’re not on the GSA schedule, you can’t sell your products to the government. CM First has partnered with Winvale who helps companies work more efficiently with the government. With this addition, government agencies now have access to all of CM First’s products and services.   For enterprise mainframe development organizations around the world,

September 8, 2016

CM First wants to make it easy for you to web-enable and/or mobile-enable legacy applications. As many find this the most pressing need in their organization but struggle with the right approach, CM WebClient can make it fast and easy to be successful. We’re running a promotion through October 14, 2016 where you can receive

June 20, 2016

CM First has acquired CM evolveIT, a robust code analysis tool, to further extend the value of its modernization capability. CM evolveIT is used as an integral part of the DevOps process by enterprise mainframe development organizations in North America and around the world.  This automated code analysis process will isolate business rules and more,