The upcoming 2010 release of the WebClient i+ platform will contain optional support for advanced Dojo controls such as the TreeView and FlexGrid components. The TreeView component is self-explanatory. The FlexGrid component is an advanced grid with the ability of adding columns dynamically, advanced font/display formatting, adding images to cells, and more (see the CA
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To add an application server web session listener to your WebClient application, ensure that this XML fragment is present under the web-app element in your web.xml. <listener> <listener-class>com.adcaustin.webclient.servletproxy.WebSessionListener</listener-class> </listener> When the listener is installed, then application clean-up will occur immediately when the session times out (as determined by the application server’s timeout settings). The user closing their browser
The January 2010 WebClient newsletter is available at this link. Highlights of this edition include: New guide published for deploying applications to Websphere New tip published for implementing an Ajax style wait cursor Version 1.4.19 released CA World planned for May 2010, with extensive virtual conference. WebClient will be on display.
Although this is a WebClient i+ blog, since we often get questions about Websydian interoperability we would like to highlight this video of how TransacXML works. The demo shows a CA Plex integration to SAP via web services. Both WebClient i+ and TransacXML can utilize Websydian Server+ and Websydian Express, minimizing software investment and maximizing
Deploying CA Plex/WebClient applications on the IBM WebSphere Application Server can be more challenging that on Tomcat – although the process is largely the same conceptually, WebSphere has more features, options, and versions available. This guide is written with IBM i in mind, but the steps can be generally applied to other versions of WebSphere
This guide will walk you through the steps required to implement an Ajaxy ‘busy’ indicator for a CA Plex / WebClient application. The indicator signals to the user that the web application is processing their request, and to wait until it finishes. On the web this indicator usually takes the form of an animated GIF
WebClient i+ Developers – WebClient Patch Release 1.4.19 is released. To obtain this release, please login to and select Developer Content and Software Downloads. This release contains bug fixes only. Consult the release notes for the full list fixes and updates in this release. Important Note: It is our policy to publish product updates as
The December 2009 WebClient newsletter is available at this link. Highlights of this edition include: New tips published for deploying Tomcat applications with Apache/SSL, and changing your Plex panel backgrounds to a festive holiday javascript snow fall. WebClient test drive made available Version 1.4.18 released CA World planned for May 2010, with extensive virtual conference. WebClient