The Strangler Application Pattern Is a Serious Modernization Methodology Modernization efforts provide unique challenges due to the advanced age of many of the technologies we work with. Technologies like COBOL, RPG, CA 2E/Plex (Synon), or EGL were all developed decades ago and intitiating positive digital change on top of them entails some risk. We need
CM First joined the Mainframe VM community for a series of ground-breaking hands-on workshops at the June 28th-30th VM Workshop at Virginia Commonwealth University. Roger Hammer presented to members of the z/VM, Linux on IBM zSystems, and z/VSE communities, for three days of technical discussions, presentations, and collaborations highlighting automated application analysis and data lineage.
Watch the CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex June 25th 2019 Community Webcast The webinar has come and gone and was a success! Click to watch the video. The theme of the webinar was CA 2E Roadmap and Features. First, CA Technologies/Broadcom Principle Software Engineer Raghu Daita demonstrated and discussed CA 2E recently released and
Register Now for the CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex June 25th 2019 Community Webcast The upcoming CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex Community Webcast is scheduled for June 25th, 2019 10AM CST and a lot of great content is planned. The theme of the webinar is CA 2E Roadmap and Features. You can register
Watch the CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex March 2019 Community Webcast The webinar has come and gone and was a success! Click to watch the video. The theme for this webinar is “Conference and API’s”. CA Technologies/Broadcom CA Plex/2E product manager Dheeraj Pershad and the community organizers kicked off the webinar with an overview
Register Now for the CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex March 2019 Community Webcast Update: The webinar has come and gone and was a success! Click here to watch the video. The upcoming CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex Community Webcast is scheduled for March 20th, 2019 10AM CST and a lot of great content