
April 21, 2015

Many companies are struggling to transform CA 2E green screens to web and mobile applications. CM First has created two limited time offerings to help you leverage APIs and build applications that meet your future demands.   Offer #1: Take the 30-day, Green-Screen Challenge In 30 days, from your current CA 2E (Synon) System Repository,

April 7, 2015

CM First has created a new product, CM WebClient Hsync, which allows you to store data on your mobile device when you are out of range of a cell or WiFi signal, then synchronize with your application when you’re back in range. Using REST-based web services, CM Hsync enables communication between the device and back-end

February 27, 2015

Working with the CM WebClient product, CM First developers were able to extend the capabilities of CM MatchPoint to Web and Mobile.   See the full news release here: Did you like this article about “CM MATCHPOINT ALM NOW OFFERS WEB AND MOBILE ACCESS” – email us future blog topics to

February 23, 2015

CA Technologies is hosting monthly office hours – online chat rooms where CA Plex and CA 2E users can go to get questions answered by product experts.   Read more and learn about upcoming dates: Did you like this article about “CA TO OFFER ‘OFFICE HOURS’ – HELP FOR CA PLEX AND CA 2E”

February 11, 2015

The most significant feature in CA 2E r8.7 is the ability to convert a DDS database file to SQL without having to recompile the functions associated with the file. This capability makes moving to a modern SQL database rather easy. In the past, communication between Java and web developers was hampered because CA 2E generated

February 11, 2015

AXON IVY was attracted to CM First because of their application lifecycle management best practices, modernization experience and strong track record in providing services and support to customers. AXON IVY’s core product is the Axon.Ivy BPM Suite, which provides intelligent, integrated, business process management to many companies around the world. CM First adds their deep

February 11, 2015

CA Technologies has announced that they will no longer support CA Plex r7.0 beginning January 15, 2016. They recommend upgrading to CA Plex r7.1 or r7.2 prior to that date. See the full end of service announcement here. CM First can make this transition much easier for you with a variety of service options to

February 11, 2015

Companies looking to focus more on core business objectives can now let CM First host CA 2E (SYNON) models and applications on a secure PaaS production partition. CM First Group has the expertise and experience to provide a robust IBM i hosting service which includes the IBM i technical infrastructure in a virtual partition and