CM evolveIT metaTX-AI can refactor your legacy app developed in native COBOL, or CA 2E (Synon) generating RPG or COBOL.
The enormous complexity an IT manager faces when modernizing a legacy application demands a serious solution.
Leverage automation to democratize worker efficiencies in forward-thinking enterprises.
Use CM evolveIT Data Lineage to master your data: keep track of it, derive value from it, and keep it safe from attack.
CM evolveIT is the single most efficient, effective system of its kind on the market today for analyzing and documenting mainframe systems.
Learn how a robust data lineage and security solution enables you to find, classify and protect data at rest and in motion.
You need to modernize your CA 2E applications but you cannot afford to throw out the foundation that anchors your business.
Legacy applications do not have to hold you back; modernization is possible. Learn how to mine value from your aging code.
Technical debt may be a new concept but it is an old problem that increases business risk.